My Skills.


Art and Design

I have always been interested in hand made designs which include zectangles, doodles and many more pttern arts. Lately I started learning photoshop and video editing skills. You might want to contact me if you share common interest and thus we can exchange our art knowledge. The following are few patterns that I've made:

Circular Zectangles
Triangular Zectangles
My Name


Learnt html and Javascript for 2 years during High School. In my first yearm I am exploring the competitive programming languages like c and c++. Also I am diving deep into web development by gaining more knowledge on css and bootstrap.


Photography is my hobby, which has no specific time or place to be followed. What you need is just an innovative perspective of your environment and a camera. Thats how I have captured multiple beautiful pictures wherever I have been. Again we could exchange our knowledge and photos.